Kyoto and the ancient tradition of Green Tea

The tea comes from a plant whose scientific name is Camelia Sinensis.

In Japan, tea masters are called "Cha-Shi". They have been growing tea for many generations.

The following explanations are intended to make the people who consume it better appreciate and understand the final product.

Green tea contains theine and has a higher amount of flavonoids, which are very important as antioxidants. Flavonoids are natural antioxidants.

One of the most famous areas of Japan for green tea cultivation is Uji-Kyoto, where the ancient method of processing Uji is still used.

The first production of Ujicha is believed to have been started by a Buddhist monk named Myoe.

In the Edo Period (1738) Nagatari Soen, coming from the Uji area, codified the process to create Ujicha tea.

Types of green tea, different for cultivation and processing ...

if the leaves are grown:

in the sun -> we get Sencha

in the shade -> we get Gyokuro

green tea mixed with roasted brown rice -> we get Genmaicha

mixed with steam -> we get Ujicha

mixed with steam and crushed into stone -> we obtain very fine Matcha powder


Tea leaves processing techniques ...

* mixed and steamed

* mixed, steamed and stone ground

* roasted Sencha, Gyokuro and Matcha come from the same leaves.


By roasting Sencha tea leaves, Hojicha is obtained.

By fermenting the leaves with enzymes, black tea or Oolong tea is obtained.

By roasting Oolong, you get toasted Oolong tea.

The most popular Japanese green tea is Sencha.

Water for the best green tea ...

The water used to make green tea can make a difference.

Fresh lowland water is good for tea.

The water where it is grown is the best.

Alternatively, bottled mineral water can be used.


Bitter or Sweet ...

Bitter = prevalence of caffeine, catechins

Sweet = prevalence of amino acids

The bitter taste comes from a substance called catechin.

Catechin is good for health and beauty.

Catechin has antibacterial action, against colds and viruses.

Catechin reduces free radicals, which are agents of aging.

Matcha green tea has more catechins.


Water temperature used ...

hot: 50/60 C = slightly sweet

very hot: 70 C = balanced

boiling water: 100 C = bitter, strong

Beneficial effects of green tea ...

* fat burning properties: helps to lose weight

* helps fight some cancers

* helps fight cardiovascular disease

* helps lower cholesterol levels

* helps prevent type 2 diabetes

* improves mouth health by reducing oral bacteria

* helps reduce neuro-degeneration, protects the brain, memory

  and energy levels

* helps fight inflammation

* helps prevent bone loss


Consumption of green tea, recommended doses ...

It is advisable to drink a cup of green tea one hour after eating.

3-5 cups of green tea per person per day.

Article written by Vladimir Zaicek, Maria Grazia Simeone, Marco Morelli

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