Omamori (お 守 り) good luck amulet from Japan ...

Omamori are Japanese auspicious amulets, which ensure happiness and protection. They are sold by monks in Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines and are very important in Japanese culture.

Omanori come in different sizes and are usually made and decorated with traditional natural materials.


The goal of the Omamori ...

There are many different types of Omamori but their common task is to protect the owner, regardless of his religion.

Rare Omamori can also be found. These Omamori are only sold in certain temples or places and in itinerant shrines.


Types of Omamori and their effect ...

good health of body and soul

success in the study

safety in facing important exams (special version)

success in business

luck in love

protection of commuters from road accidents

travel safety

good luck

protection for the safe birth of babies

triumph and perseverance in competitions etc.

removal of evil

Correct position of the Omamori ...

The Omamori should be placed close to the object it protects.

If it is large, the Omamori should be oriented towards the sun, east or south. If it is small, the Omamori should always be carried with you, tied to the bag.


How long does the Omamori effect last ...

It is said that the Omamori effect lasts for a year after purchase. After the year, the Omamori should be returned to the temple or shrine where it was purchased.


Why never open Omamori ...

Omamori are handmade amulets, always tied and closed. They contain a sheet of paper on which a prayer is written by the monks of the temple they come from.

It is said that opening the Omamori, revealing the prayer contained therein, causes the owner to lose the beneficial effect of the amulet. That's why it should never be opened.


Never throw Omamori away ...

Since it is an object from a sacred place, the Omamori must be conscientiously cared for. After a year or at the latest on a future visit to Japan, it should be returned to the temple of origin.

Article written by Vladimir Zaicek, Maria Grazia Simeone, Marco Morelli

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